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Things didn't quite go to plan

In my last post (which was ages ago), I raved about how excited I was to be going to the Alps and how I was going to fill this space with photos of the pretty mountains and so on... Well that isn't going to happen.

You know how sometimes things just really, really don't go your way? This trip was one of those times for me. Stressed out about final year (exams, dissertation and so on) I had a hard time getting excited for the trip in the first place which is very unlike me, I'm always graving for a trip somewhere. I managed to get excited just before going, but that ended the very evening we got to the resort. My bag somehow managed to go missing on the way or when we got to the resort, no one really knows or understands how. I mean how do you lose a bag from a bus? Somehow it still happened, only my snowboard bag and what I had in my hand luggage made it there. That meant I had my camera, my toothbrush, mascara and lip balm, my snowboard, my snowboard pants, a few hoodies and the clothes I had on me. That's not great when you're looking to spend a week there.

I've traveled quite a lot in my life and this is the first time I had a bag go missing. I never quite realised how much of an inconvenience it is to lose your stuff on holiday. I honestly spent the week on an emotional roller coaster: One minute I would be having fun with my friends on the slopes, at after ski or at a club, the next I'd remember I had no stuff and become really depressed. It didn't help I was already stressed out about other stuff, either. I just kept thinking about how much stuff I had lost and how much money I would have to spend to replace everything. 

The bag that went missing had all my clothes, my make up bag, my camera charger, my snowboard boots and a bunch of other more or less essentials. It meant I had to spend a lot of money buying stuff I needed to get through the week. Note to self, and anyone else out there, do not forget or lose your underwear when you go to a ski resorts. All the shops are full of cool clothes for the slopes, but it was a pain in the ass trying to find underwear. Thank goodness for for the Spar supermarket... Another major problem was my camera charger being in that bag. Going there as the photographer for our university snowsports society, having your camera charger go missing isn't ideal. I took very few photos compared to what I had planned. As a cherry on top I came down with a flu on our last day there and had to sit through the 24h-coach journey with a fever, runny nose and no voice. Not happy. 

Anyway, I survived and managed to have some fun, too. For Christmas I went back home to Finland. I was ill for most of it thanks to the flu and later a stomach bug, which really didn't make my stay the best ever, but it was nice to be home anyway. I've been back in England for a few weeks now, majoring in the art of procrastination instead of studying for my exams and working on the other million things on my to-do list... My procrastination however has resulted in the creation of the new header of this blog (let me know what you think!) and a ton of other ideas for posts etc which means it hasn't been all bad.

I hope everyone else's holidays were better than mine and that the year has got off to a good start! :)

 Val Thorens 13th - 21st December, 2014
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